Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fall Shoe Gear

With the upcoming change in weather also presents a change in shoe gear. Many people have questions about the best shoe or sock. This is a very difficult question to answer because what may be comfortable for one person may not be for another. I always stress that patients buy shoes that breathe or conform nicely to their foot and are comfortable. However the general rule is that shoes be updated every six to seven months depending on the use. The best way I can help a patient with shoes is for the patient to bring many of the styles of shoe in they wear. This gives me the chance to exam their feet and biomechanics and watch how they walk. I can then guide them into better shoes as well. Another option is to provide patients with orthotics which can help many shoes feel better. Triangle Foot and Ankle Specialist does a great job of getting patients in right away so don't let the upcoming weather affect your feet. Let Dr. Jeremy Thomas guide you into proper shoe gear for the winter and fall season.