Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis can be one of the most common foot ailments. The condition comes into the office on a daily basis. One of the things that I have noticed since being in practice is that 80% of patients go online and attempt to diagnosis themselves and treat the condition without a proper diagnosis by a podiatrist. One of the main things that has to be done in our office is an exam encompassing x-rays, palpation, conversation about the symptoms, ultrasound, gait exam. There are numerous conditions that can cause your heel to bother you besides plantar fasciitis. If with a proper exam the diagnosis is Plantar Fasciitis then we often can treat the condition with resolution of the pain and possible prevention of it returning in the future. Anyone suffering with heel pain should have it checked sooner than later to avoid worsening of the condition and length of time to recovery.